Thirty bees version 1.5 released
Hi All! Today, we are thrilled to introduce the latest version of Thirty Bees: Version 1.5. This new release brings with it a lot of changes, including numerous core modifications and security fixes that are [...]
Thirty bees version 1.4 released
Hi All! We are happy to present to you the latest version of Thirty Bees - 1.4. The main advantage of this version is the full support of PHP 8.0 and 8.1 If you need [...]
Thirty bees version 1.3 released
We are happy to announce that thirty bees version 1.3 has been released. This is a major release and unless security updates are needed, we expect this version to be here for the long term. [...]
Advanced product configuration
After seeing how to create a simple product in the last article, let's now dive deeper into more advanced configuration options for thirty bees products. Product Features In thirty bees, product Features represent static characteristics [...]
Creating Special Products
Today we will have an overview of two special types of products thirty bees natively supports: virtual products and products pack. The Virtual product type Virtual products are the go-to solution for anything that [...]
Creating products
In part one of this mini-series, we will go through all you need to know in order to add new products in thirty bees. Basic Product Information In thirty bees, we can create a new [...]