It is something has been on our mind for quite a while, but we unfortunately never found a good way to merge your Crowdin translation contributions into the thirty bees code. Until now! With Crowdin’s awesome CLI tool we have managed to build a brand new integration with Crowdin. One that can ensure a maximum of ONE HOUR delay before your (accepted) contribution on Crowdin makes it into the current version of thirty bees and can be downloaded from here:
If you need to add translations before putting a store live, you can even simply update the texts on Crowdin ( please do so, everyone will benefit 😀 ), then wait an hour and click the Add/Update language XXXX button in your Back Office.
From now on we are going to merge only accepted translations (which means that they have been proofread by someone [green instead of blue]) into the build. As some of you might have noticed, we have upgraded quite a few early contributors to proofreader accounts and made them moderators of the languages they master [ we have seen a lot of you in our community and are sure that we can trust you guys, please don’t abuse it 🙂 ]. Want to become a moderator as well? Ping me or Lesley on the forum and we can have a look!
Crowdin in-context translations
Next up is a module we had promised a couple of months ago. Some of you might be wondering where the in-context translation module is? Well, since we now have a better integration in place we have finally be able to release this module as well. It has been tested a lot, to make sure it can translate as many strings as possible, but keep in mind that you cannot translate every single string out there (some might only show up in rare cases or the browser’s title bar). For those strings it is best to stay on Crowdin and translate over there, but here’s an example of a very very useful case. I discovered that the tax excl. label in Dutch is just way too long to fit, this is how I solved it:

Crowdin in-context translation in thirty bees
Well, that was easy! Best of all, this is the live translator on Crowdin. Combine this with our new Crowdin automation and you can grab the new language pack from just an hour later! Or you could download the language pack via your Back Office. Easy peasy!
Module Instructions
After installing the module you will be presented with two options: enable front office and back office translations. Choose whatever you like, you can change these at any time. More important is the Zulu Language that has just been installed in your store. This is a placeholder (virtual) language that is used by Crowdin to detect all the available strings. Make sure you always switch to this language before you start translating. As an extra helper there also is a small “Enable/Disable Live translations” button at the bottom of your Back Office (scroll all the way to the bottom!). Whenever you enable in-context translations with this button it will install an updated version of Zulu.
If you are using this module on older versions of thirty bees you will notice that not all strings are available. They might have changed in the meantime. The translatable strings are all the core and module strings you can see on the Crowdin project.
Thank You!
As always you can find the module on our GitHub repo or via your module list in the Back Office. Just search for crowdin
Many thanks go out to these contributors for helping us in these early phases already: eleazar, Nick N. (multitecsales), yanivmirel, DaoKakao, Marcelo Livramento (molivramento), Atolodas MB (atolodas), marcosigno, TobyMudito, Rho_bur, PedroAntunes, Norwegian_Rat (Izraelviz), Anders Yuran (Havouza), elund, kubilay (kublaios), Walt Gee (vovanych), Ulrich Maier (ulrichmaiergermering60), 30knees, eschiendorfer, bartman, turkyl74, Juraj22, Kay Aleksic (kaleksic), Poke (fatdiabetes1), Славік Городиський (slavhor1), presta-mats, rand0m, mathiashoffmann, vincentdenkspel, Allan De Wett Hagensen (altus_h), gvoxel, NemoPS, Vargstrom (Svarg1349), cdsoft1978, benzons, niklasschjoldager, bitfork, Alex (Allba), Søren Velling Marko (sorenmarko), DavidPF, okom3pom, bluecafe, ClimaPrecio, luksl, Trond Viskjer (GuzGoose), Henrik Mattsson-Mårn (rchk), Stian Viskjer (unbob), Ben Fox (John_Reid), roband
It’s really a great idea, but If you install the crowdin module, you will experience this issue: Probably because of that the virtual language called ‘Zulu’ is added. I think this should be fixed before installing the module.
Second I was not able to see how to manage the front office translation through the crowdin module?
It is better to run this module when still developing. The Zulu language will need to be active and shown. Crowdin changes the strings to something like crowdn:4864830
That is how it recognizes the elements to translate.
Don’t do it on production. I’m sure your users will get confused when they see this in your store.