Over the past couple of weeks translations have been a hot topic here at thirty bees. We are trying to figure out which ones are a priority and which ones we think we can support. Ideally we would like to be able to support all the translations, but some are harder to find community members that speak / write in those languages. So we cannot guarantee that we can be translated into every language. But we are trying.

So far this is where we stand.

Most Translated Languages

English 100%
Dutch 99%
Italian 99%
Lithuanian 99%

Languages with greater than 80% translated

Bulgarian 88%
Croatian 87%
Danish 82%
French, Quebec 87%
German, Switzerland 86%
Hebrew 83%
Indonesian 86%
Norwegian, Nynorsk 92%
Polish 89%
Romanian 86%
Slovak 86%
Spanish 89%
Spanish, Colombia 86%
Swedish 91%
Portuguese, Brazilian 87%
Catalan 84%
Czech 87%
French 87%
German 91%
Greek 94%
Hungarian 86%
Norwegian 87%
Persian 88%
Portuguese 86%
Russian 91%
Slovenian 87%
Spanish, Argentina 86%
Spanish, Mexico 86%
Turkish 92%

These are the languages we currently need help with. Ideally we would like to support every possible language, but we need users that can translate them. If you can write and translate into any of these languages we would love to have you help with the translations.

How to help translate thirty bees

To help with translating you can visit our Crowdin Page where you can see all the languages. Once you get there click on the language that you would like to translate. In there you will be able to see what has already been translated and what has not been. A lot of the languages just have new modules and new features that have been added that need translating.

thirty bees Crowdin

Then you can click into a module or section that has not been translated. If you do not have a Crowdin account you will be prompted to create a free account so your translations can be recorded. Once you have an account you can proceed to start translating. With some languages there is a translation memory from other projects that you can use as well for suggestions.

thirty bees translations

If you have any questions about translating, stop by our Gitter channel and just ask. Someone is usually around that can answer a questions pretty quickly. As always we would also like to thank the community that has helped us get the translations to the point we are at.