We are happy to announce that we are starting a second blog for developers.  We realize that some of our readers would just like to read topics relating to their shops, how to increase sales, our news, and other topics of that nature. While other readers would like to go more in depth and learn new techniques, and explore different configurations of thirty bees.

We know there are a lot of developers in our community that would love to learn new techniques, or even share some of their techniques with our community. We would love to have technical guest posters to this blog as well, so we can expand the base of knowledge to our community. Some of the things we would like to touch on are:

  • Server setup
  • Configurations of servers and software
  • Automated testing setup
  • How to use tools like GitHub, Compass, PHPStorm, SASS, and other tools we use for building thirty bees 
  • Code modifications to thirty bees
  • Module how to guides
  • In depth programming guides and best practices for thirty bees
  • just about anything developers would find appealing

If you have any ideas that you would like to see written about or maybe you would like to write an article or two as well, let us know below. We will give you a bio block in your article that can link back to your or your company.