Sales Reps (by region/city/state/country) with different sales prices (B2B)
Sometimes distributors have an online store (with a general price) and also have sales reps working in different cities/states/countries. Every sales rep can have a different commission and price list (because of either import duties or taxes or freiRead More →
Combinations: Select available combination automatically if default has 0 quantity
As the title says. At the moment it just says the product is not available in this combination (or something similar). Why not just switch to the combination that still has a positive quantity. This makes much more sense for visitors and they do not Read More →
More themes
Please add more themes Read More →
voto Read More →
Meta keywords field: remove behaviour
I’m at the moment going over all the meta thingies to make our pages more SEO likable The meta keywords field for products, categories etc all make an “object” out of my keywords when pressing “,” (comma). This is veryRead More →
Payment Gateway: PostFinance Card Payments like the Prestashop Module did
It’s about 3 Million swiss customers that could be offered to pay with their card It’s like, kinda everyone here is running around with a postfinance card. would be great if I could transfer my main shop to thirty bees as well but that&Read More →
Short Description in CSV import
Add “Short description” field in CSV import. Now available only “Description” Read More →
Custom Payment Methods: Restrictions for country, etc; Possibility to add fees
I’d like to see improvements for the Custom Payments Method Module. I surely think adding Country (and maybe also currency) restrictions to each payment method would be valuable. Either show each of the payment methods under Modules>Payment&Read More →
Plural Rules for some languages
Handle rules for plurals for some languages (or language families), which uses plural with more than one word (noun) suffixes. Some platforms implemented this feature – like phpBB ( Read More →
Menu and Shopping Cart as side slinding bars
Thinking of mobile browsing, opening menu as a side bar and checking shopping cart without leaving the page will make a more confortable experience and also will give a modern feel. Example: Example 2: hRead More →