Have you ever wondered why stats were included in your shop? You can actually use the included stats in your shop to increase your SEO, better your marketing efforts, and drive more sales to your shop. Below are some of the stats I like to use in my client’s shops to gain insight into how their customers browse their shops and what we can do better in their shops.


Pages not found

This is one of my favorite stats. It lets you see all the pages that are registering 404 errors in your shop. Looking at the not found pages you can see which ones you need to write 301 redirects for. There can be many causes for pages not being found. Some of the main causes are:

  • Products that have been deleted
  • Links from other sites that were made incorrectly
  • Or a problem with your shop

Looking at the Page not found statistics can open the door to starting to fix some of these issues.

Shop search

The Shop search lets you know what your customers are shopping for. It lets you know how many times your customers search for a given word and it also shows the number of results for that search word. In my opinion, this is the second most valuable stat in your shop behind the Page not found statistics.

Shop Search

Looking through the shop search results you can see which products are the most searched for in your shop. This can give you insights into which products you might need to start featuring on landing pages in your shop.

At the same time, you can see misspellings of words that users are searching for. If you see one that has a lot of entries, you can enter the word into the Aliases tab for the search, making that word return the results the user intended.

Best vouchers

The Best vouchers is another favorite stat of mine. Looking at the Best vouchers stats, you can see which vouchers are used the most in your shop. One trick I like to do is send different vouchers to different channels. For instance, sending a newsletter with a voucher called save10, then posting the voucher to Facebook as 10off, and to sites like RetailMeNot as 10Save. Doing this in conjunction with monitoring your Best vouchers you can see which advertising channels are producing the best results. Giving you an idea on where to focus your marketing efforts.

Best customers

Using the Best customers statistics you can see which customers are purchasing the most from your shop. Knowing which customers are spending the most money in your shop allows you to target marketing just to those customers. This statistics module allows you to export the customers as a CSV file so you can load them into your mailing list service as well. When you know which customers are the best, you can better reward their loyalty with special discounts, early product releases, or other benefits.



Using the stats provided with your thirty bees shop will allow you to gain insights for SEO and better marketing to your customers. Regularly check them so you know what users are doing on your site and how you can make changes to increase the conversion rates for your site.