We are proud to announce that we have partnered with Linuxweb for hosting in Africa. They bring to the table years of experience in managing linux systems and hosting web sites all around the African continent. The owner of Linuxweb Selwyn Orren is also an active member in the thirty bees community, which makes this partnership even better.

There were a few big deciding factors in us partnering with Linuxweb, one of the primary ones is that the owner is active in our community. Selwyn has made several commits to the blog module to fix issues and add more features to it. To us this means two things, the first he understands how thirty bees works, the second is his company is prepared to support thirty bees. Because of some of the bugs that he has fixed most users using thirty bees will actually be running code he has written.

Another thing that means a lot to us here at thirty bees is when our users and partners stand behind our software. Selwyn opened up a shop this year that is based off of thirty bees. If by chance you are looking for men’s grooming products you might check it out at Orren Life.

On to their hosting. Linuxweb offers 3 different tiers of hosting like most hosts. They even have a specific plan for thirty bees sites. The hosting levels they offer are:

  • Shared
  • Reseller
  • VPS

All of their plans are very affordable as well, giving our users another benefit to using Linuxweb. If you need hosting and are based in Africa, Linuxweb should be your go to hosting company, they are ours.