We are proud to announce that we have partnered with A2 hosting as our North American hosting partner. If you are not familiar with A2 Hosting, they are one of the best optimized hosting services in the world. They have data center locations in The United States, Netherlands, and Singapore, making them a great choice to partner with. At the same time they offer parallel managed hosting support.


One of the biggest deciding factors to go with A2 Hosting is that we realize a lot of thirty bees shops are already hosted with them. This great for our existing users who will now have a host that fully supports thirty bees and is knowledgeable about our software. Also this give thirty bees great exposure since A2 Hosting is a worldwide leader in managed e-commerce hosting. It allows thirty bees greater visibility and to be seen by more merchants, which will allow us greater penetration into the e-commerce market space.

A2 Hosting offers many different account types so you can find the perfect account that will fit your needs. Some of the hosting accounts they offer are:

  • Shared
  • Managed VPS
  • Unmanaged VPS
  • Managed Dedicated
  • Unmanaged Dedicated


They really have a hosting account that will fit everyone’s budget, while at the same time offering one of the best possible hosting experiences. Did we mention their installed? They have a one click installer that will install your thirty bees shop quickly and easily, so you can spend your time doing other tasks. If you are looking to upgrade your hosting, give A2 Hosting a shot. Click the button below to get setup.