dh42 has joined the thirty bee module compatibility program. While they are not typically known for their modules, they do have several useful modules that work great with thirty bees. They are normally more well known for their support, which they have started providing for thirty bees as well.
dh42 has made most of their free modules compatible with thirty bees. The ones that were not chosen to be compatible were because thirty bees already had those features in the core already. But some of the more popular free modules are:
- Bing Conversion Tracking
- Facebook Conversion Tracking
- Google Adwords Conversion Tracking
- Memcache Manager
- Opcache Manager
- APCu Cache Manager
Some of the modules they offer will allow you to track your advertising efforts, while other of their modules will allow you to track your server performance.
Paid Modules
They also offer several paid modules that are compatible with thirty bees as well. Some of the paid modules that they offer are:
- Speed Optimized Google Analytics
- Speed Optimized Facebook
- Square Shield Module
- Flex Layout Module
- Product Notes Module
All of these modules range from $10 to $30. But if you are a thirty bees user you can get these modules for free, just purchase the module on their site and use the code thirtybees during the checkout and you will receive the modules for free.
If you noticed, one of their most popular modules did not make the list for being compatible with thirty bees, it is their Algolia module. They are revamping this module with thirty bees in mind. When the module is revamped it will be released for FREE so that thirty bees shops can use Algolia without having to buy a module. If you haven’t used Algolia, you are in for a treat, they will take your search to the next level.
If you are a developer or own a development agency and would like to join the thirty bees compatibility program we would love to have you. You can read more about our module compatibility program here.