I wanted to take a few minutes and let everyone know what has been going on lately with thirty bees. Things are staying pretty busy around here, with lots of unexpected problems. Over the last couple of weeks our WordPress site has been hacked a few times. Apparently one of the modules we used did not think to check the kind of files that were being uploaded. Which is highly frustrating since we take so much care to make our own software as secure as possible.

The WordPress issues caused us to look at the security around our infrastructure and make decisions on how to change it to be more secure. Some of the things we have done were making internal repositories that we can check our site and API code against, while other decisions were ways to tighten server security. Over the last week we have migrated most of our services to a different server configuration. If you are in the EU you might notice a slight speed increase as our server is located in Germany now. The migration will not only make things more secure, it will also reduce our overhead as well. As of right now we have almost everything migrated off the old server, with just a couple services left on the server. We should have everything migrated by the end of the week.


Ways you can help

Over the past couple of weeks several community members have asked us about different ways they can help out thirty bees. This made me put together a list of free ways that our community can help thirty bees grow as a company and reach more users. If you have some extra time, we would greatly appreciate your help. Helping us grow also helps us produce updates quicker and have better quality updates to the core. The more users that use thirty bees, the more income thirty bees is capable of making.