Today we are excited to announce that we have launched our official store. It has been a long time in the making and it is finally ready for use by the public. The store is in beta mode, so there might be some bugs, but it should be operational enough to be utilized by our community.

The thirty bees store is a culmination of the whole idea behind thirty bees. We want to enable merchants easy access to quality, free open source modules. This is where a lot of the testing and development has come in. We have developed our store so anyone can add a free module quickly and easily, unlike other marketplaces. We want to fill the gap where merchants no longer result to Google, or have to browse old forum posts for modules, we want to give you one marketplace to house all kinds of modules that are compatible with thirty bees.

We still have several modules yet to list, they should be up by the end of the day today, but from the official thirty bees repository we have about 75 modules we actively support. That is even after we have deprecated 23 modules with 1.0.4 rc1. We have a lot of work ahead of us in the next month on the store, but it will all get done and everything will be listed with proper descriptions.

Today we will also post information on how other developers can list their free modules in the the thirty bees marketplace as well. We have made some changes to the format over the last several weeks, so we will have the documentation updated today with listing instructions.

Paid Module

Later in the week we will start added paid modules from third party sellers. If you are a developer looking to sell your modules, use our contact form and let us know. We listing a few modules from select developers in the beginning until we have all the bugs worked out, then we will open the listing to the general public. If you would like to be one of the developers in the beta, let us know and we can work something out.

We have come a long way in the last year, our plans are just now starting to fit into place. The store is the first in several big changes we have planned for the coming months.  We thank all of our community for sticking with us, we want to give you the best possible e-commerce experience.

If you run into any issues in our shop, we have created a forum especially for the store. Post any issues that you have with our store here.