
About Lesley Paone

Lesley is the owner of a PrestaShop support, development, and ecoomerce SEO agency called dh42. He has been active in the ecommerce community for almost a decade providing help and support services.

Module Compatibility: PresTools

2018-08-23T07:48:13-06:00October 6th, 2017|

We are happy to announce that PresTools has made their suite of backoffice modules compatible with thirty bees. If you are not familiar with PresTools, it is an awesome suite of different tools for managing your shop that has been around for several years. It is owned and maintained by a member of our forum, @musicmaster.   About PresTools PresTools is not a module in the typical sense. It started out as a script several years ago and has grown into a more advanced and complete solution to easily manage your shop. The core of PresTools is actually free, which makes [...]

thirty bees partners with Jolt

2018-08-23T07:48:19-06:00October 5th, 2017|

We are happy to announce that we have partnered with one of the United Kingdom's top web hosting companies Jolt. As a hosting company Jolt brings a lot to the table. They have plans ranging from simple shared hosting plans to reseller plans, and dedicated servers. Not to mention they are very affordable. Jolt has shared hosting plans starting at £2.75 a month and dedicated servers starting at £20 a month. This makes them a very affordable choice to new thirty bees sites that are just getting started.   Partnering with Jolt allows us to further implement our plan for finding [...]

Module Compatibility: PrestaFABRIQUE

2018-08-23T07:48:25-06:00October 1st, 2017|

Today we have a new entry to our module compatibility program. PrestaFABRIQUE has decided to make their modules compatible with thirty bees. They are a European based module development company and full service agency. PrestaFABRIQUE  brings to the table five of their best selling modules geared at making your shops more user friendly and also helping with products that require custom quotes. PrestaFABRIQUE is headed up by owner and designer Botond Szakacs. Compatible Modules Currently PrestaFABRIQUE has five modules that are compatible with thirty bees, with more to come soon. All of their modules center around front office features that will [...]

Donation mining to support open source software

2018-08-23T07:48:35-06:00September 19th, 2017|

This past weekend there was a popular article about The Pirate Bay using their visitors computers to mine cryptocurrency. They were using a service called Coin Hive on their site, it uses a javascript miner to mine Monero currency while users browsed the site. It happens seamless in the background, while just putting a little stress on the CPU as it processes hashes. This made the gears in my head start to turn a little bit. I finished my breakfast and went home to investigate this further and to see if I could hash out any possible uses. Then I had [...]

SEO Interview: Cyrus Shepard

2018-08-23T07:48:43-06:00September 17th, 2017|

Today we have the first in a series of interviews we are conducting over the next several weeks about SEO and e-commerce with some of the most prominent members of the SEO community. Today's interview is with Cyrus Shepard, he used to be the content and SEO director for Moz and is now a consultant and owner of Fazillion Media. If you have any questions or want clarification on anything, comment below. Our questions are in bold and his answers follow in regular text. What percentage of time would you recommend for new e-commerce sites to focus onsite versus off [...]

Ad blockers could be hurting your SEO strategy

2018-08-23T07:48:51-06:00September 5th, 2017|

We all hate ads don't we? Especially the annoying ones that auto play and scare the hell out of you when you are browsing a site in the middle of the night with the lights off. One things you might not realize, is some ad blockers are actually blocking your Google Analytics from loading. This can be especially troublesome for SEO and measuring traffic with content marketing campaigns. Let me be clear from the start, this is not an article about getting around ad blockers for the purpose of displaying ads. This article is about tracking with analytics. What do 27.3% [...]

Configuring caches in thirty bees

2018-08-23T07:49:04-06:00September 4th, 2017|

If you have looked at the performance page in thirty bees, it might be a little bit daunting. With lots of settings it might be hard to know to set your caching for best possible performance. The wrong options could slow your site dramatically, resulting in a higher bounce rate and lost sales. Follow this guide and you will be sure to have the best possible settings for your site. Smarty The Smarty caching area has several different settings. Below is the area we are referring to. The general optimal settings for this area are shown in the image. But we [...]

thirty bees partners with NS8

2018-08-23T07:49:09-06:00September 4th, 2017|

Fraud detection and prevention tools provide a peace of mind, while protecting your bottom line. The distraction of assessing and monitoring fraud and abuse to your online store can take away from focusing on your real customers. thirty bees is now a supported platform with NS8, which offers such a solution, in the NS8 Complete Storefront Protection application. There are many challenges in e-commerce including transaction fraud, advertising fraud and reputation issues. These are among the top three revenue killers for ecommerce businesses. NS8 Complete Storefront Protection addresses all three using behavioral analytics and real time scoring to analyze and protect [...]

What do merchants like to read?

2018-08-23T07:49:44-06:00September 1st, 2017|

Todays blog post is more focused on the users and readers and the content you want to see here. Earlier this week I was looking at my calendar and trying to plan out blog posts for the next month. Trying to think of ideas that I thought would be engaging and that our community would want to read. I messaged a few people in the community and pitched a couple ideas, then I asked them what they would want to see more of. So that is what brings us here. What do you all want to see more of? I have [...]

Conversion optimization with the Google Analytics extension

2018-08-23T07:50:17-06:00August 30th, 2017|

If you are like almost everyone else in the world you have Google Analytics installed on your site. I am sure you, like me, monitor your traffic daily; looking for trends and patterns. Who doesn't, right? But did you know that Google Analytics had a Chrome extension? It is actually pretty awesome and can be used to fine tune your website. Getting the extension Getting the extension is pretty simple, you can just go to the Google Chrome Store and install it from there. Once you get it installed you might have to log into your Google Analytics account. It depends [...]

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