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Payment Gateway: PostFinance Card Payments like the Prestashop Module did

It’s about 3 Million swiss customers that could be offered to pay with their card 😉 It’s like, kinda everyone here is running around with a postfinance card. would be great if I could transfer my main shop to thirty bees as well but that’s one definitive requirement 🙂


Custom Payment Methods: Restrictions for country, etc; Possibility to add fees

I’d like to see improvements for the Custom Payments Method Module.

I surely think adding Country (and maybe also currency) restrictions to each payment method would be valuable. Either show each of the payment methods under Modules>Payment>Restrictions (instead of the module which doesn’t make much sense), or add this possibility to the creation process of payment methods.
Secondly, why having a possibility of adding discounts when adding extra fees would surely be more valuable (not? 🙂 ). And why discounts have to be based on cart rules is also not really clear to me, but I don’t need this feature so I don’t care to much. But I’d add one or two more tables for discounts/fees and not make them dependant on cart rules as this cart rules section can get very crowded like this and it doesn’t really have anything to do with payment methods, I’d separate this.

Thanks a lot for taking this into account.
Oli Gerber


Membership store

A membership module, where customers can deside if they want a cheap product and become a member of the shop, or pay full price for the product.
Store owner will have the posibilety to set a montly fee for members.
Store owner can set max number of products that are allowed pr. customer pr. month.(Like: only 1 of each product in store pr. month for a member. if customers want two of the same product, then one product will be full price)
Something like this store:

If you can dewelop this module, i would like to donate some money for this.



Would be nice to have a FedEx built-in integration like magento has so we can connect our account. I’m ecstatic that you have the built in Just missing this shipping feature.


Intercom Module

We like to get a intergration to Intercom so that we can chat with our customers, and always know their orders, and names.


Image optimization

Most of us knows how important image optimization is when it comes to the end.

Today there is not a good way of optimizing images, i know that the integration of ImgMagic dos abit vs GD.

But i am thinking why not build in something like that can be enabled on servers that are able to optimize images via thos small programs.

And then have an alternative integration to something like for thos hu cant use the small programs, like EWWW dos for wordpress.

That way it would be possible to optimize the images, and that would in the end give even better loading speeds, and better work flow, that you dont have to do the optimization manual before uploading, and even making sure generated thumbs are optimized to.

In general there is a lot of space to be saved, and performance gained from creating a module like this.


eBay Integration

Need a module that imports listings from eBay to populate a shop.
Then create new listings on eBay, sychronising orders, stock quantities etc.
Needs to support eBays Global Shipping Programme.



Even if there is a Google analytics native module, perhaps it would be possible to also make Lesley’s free Piwik module native. It gives you perfect statistics without giving Google loads of info about your business