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Product List: Filter by Manufacturer

In PrestaShop it is possible to filter products by ID, Category etc. Most of us use the manufacturer as brand. in larger shops it would be useful to filter products by manufacturer.

Code is allready out there:


Manufacturer Categories

In some cases it would be useful to have categories for manufacturers. So in Menu in the main category dropdown (example watches) i can find something like “Popular watch brand list”


Better Cross Selling / Upselling

Some products have the same accessoires again and again. At the moment i have to insert the accessoires for every single product.

It would be great to have a function to insert some products to a “Accessoire Category”. Than in products i can choose them as accessoires.

Example: I sell mountain bikes. So to every bike i want to sell drinking bottles as accessoire. A second accessoire tab should show helmets.

Shopware has a great feature like this. It is called “Product streams”.


Collections for manufacturer

Many brands have sub-brand / collections. (Thomas Sabo Watches, Thomas Sabo Karma Beads, Thomas Sabo Charms – for example)

Collections have their own Logo and description (for Seo) and should be listed on the manufacturers page. If collections are available i can choose Manufacturer –> Collection in product page. Maybe filter for collections?


Product Customizable Fields

It would be great to have more possibilities with Customizable fields.
There should be the possibility of Dropdown and Radio Buttons.
And it should be possible to set an additional price for each field.


Shopping Worlds, Product Streams & Customer Streams

TB and PS (both) miss outstanding features for personalized Cross Selling, good landing pages etc.

A good job in this do Shopware Shops.
The features Shopping World helps you build beautiful and selling landing pages out of the box.

The feature product streams help merchants to sell faster and organize accessories easier.

Customer streams show products based on customer experience and filters defined by the merchang

It would be great to see features like these in TB –