
About Lesley Paone

Lesley is the owner of a PrestaShop support, development, and ecoomerce SEO agency called dh42. He has been active in the ecommerce community for almost a decade providing help and support services.

Adding product creation date

2018-08-23T07:50:26-06:00August 28th, 2017|

This quick tip will allow you to add a field to your back office product page that will allow you to manually set the date that the product was added to the catalog. You can use this date to control whether a product is considered new on the front end of your store. The tip was posted on our forum by @zimmer-media at zimmer-media.de you can view the whole thread here. Adding this change to your site is pretty easy. All you will have to do is add an override to the location override/controllers/admin/templates/products the products directory might not exist on your [...]

A/B testing using Google Optimize

2018-08-23T07:52:02-06:00August 27th, 2017|

If you have not started using A/B testing with your e-commerce website, it might be time to start considering it. With A/B testing you can fine tune your website to maximize the conversion rates to increase your sales. Once you see how easy A/B testing is with Google's Optimize, you will realize how the power of A/B and multivariate testing can help increase conversions and sales. What is A/B testing? A/B testing is when you preset two different versions of a web page to different users. This can be done in many different ways. You can do subtle color changes, or [...]

Setting up Google Optimize

2018-08-23T07:52:44-06:00August 27th, 2017|

If you are like most merchants you have three primary focuses for your shop, speed, SEO, and conversion optimization. Google Optimize comes in to help with conversion optimization. It is a free platform by Google that allows you run A/B tests on your site. With A/B tests you are able to see what changes affect the conversion rates of your site for better or for worse. Then you can start optimizing your site to have the highest possible conversion rates. Who wants higher conversion rates? Getting started There is a prerequisite to using Google Optimize, you will need to have goals [...]

Creating Google Analytics Goals

2018-08-23T07:52:53-06:00August 27th, 2017|

One of the first things you should do when you set up Google Analytics on your website is to start creating goals. Goals are a great way to track events on your website as a metric to see how your website is doing. They can be useful to give you insight to how customers are interacting on your website and to why they might not be purchasing. Setting up your goals To start setting up your goals, you will need to login to your Google Analytics dashboard. Once you are in the Analytics view for your site, you will want to [...]

Getting ready for Blackfriday

2018-08-23T07:53:01-06:00August 25th, 2017|

It is only 3 months until Black Friday in the US, which means it is time to start preparing for a lot of merchants. As the countdown to the biggest grossing holiday sale begins we have compiled a list of tips to help start your holiday shopping season with a bang. Let's make this year your best Black Friday ever!   Announce your sales Letting your shoppers know ahead of time about your sales is crucial. Most shoppers expect that there will be sales and love to know what is on sale and where it is on sale. Lots of shoppers [...]

E-commerce will change forever

2018-08-23T07:53:08-06:00August 18th, 2017|

Next month e-commerce will change forever thanks to Amazon. September 12 marks 20 years since Amazon filed for their 1-Click patent. This means that the patent will expire and the technology behind it will be free to be used by any e-commerce site. Starting next month more and more sites will be offering a one click checkout experience. Most major sites have already started development with plans to launch soon after the patent expires. History behind the patent Amazon applied for the 1-Click patent in September of 1997, the actual patent was granted in 1999. The whole idea behind the patent [...]

Google AMP is bad for E-commerce

2018-08-23T07:54:13-06:00August 16th, 2017|

If you are like most merchants you have at least considered using Google AMP on your website. If you are not yet familiar with AMP, it stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. It is a Google service / project that allows you to create a mobile version of your site that is designed  to be quicker than a regular responsive mobile website. It does that by using a custom library of Google AMP JavaScripts and elements on the page. Sounds great, right? Not really from my point of view. Google and proponents of AMP would like you to think it is important [...]

Above the fold is a myth

2018-08-23T07:54:23-06:00August 14th, 2017|

For the last 20 years "Above the fold" has been pressed into the minds of web developers and designers, for no reason. There is no fold. There, I said it. In the words of Rick Sanchez "gotta rip that band-aid off now, you'll thank me for it later".  It is not the nineties anymore, so we need to stop designing sites for the nineties. In the early days of web design and mobile web design, designers and researchers were afraid that users would not know how to scroll down on a site or simply would not scroll down on a [...]

PageSpeed is dead

2018-08-23T07:54:45-06:00August 10th, 2017|

If you are like most shop owners or webmasters you have run the Google PageSpeed tool against your site. Sometimes the results are great, other times they are pretty dismal. Still developers are trying to appease the tool to get higher scores. In reality the scores that PageSpeed puts out are a bad metric to judge the speed of your site with. Let me show you why. Breakdown of a PageSpeed score The PageSpeed score is broken into two sections. The top section is what optimizations your site needs, and the bottom is the optimizations that have been found on your [...]

thirty bees in the future

2018-08-23T07:55:23-06:00August 2nd, 2017|

Are you wondering where thirty bees is going to go from here? Hey, so are we! We have been putting the pen to paper lately and coming up with a long term plan for the thirty bees software. As a merchant or developer it is rather precarious to depend on software, but have no idea of what the actual plans are. We here have been in that situation before and we have decided that we are not going to treat our community that way. We want to be upfront and transparent about the future as much as possible. So lets get [...]

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