
thirty bees scalability

2018-08-23T07:31:32-06:00April 29th, 2018|

At some point in the life cycle of your shop it might be wise to consider scaling your shop either vertically or horizontally. Vertical scaling is pretty straight forward, that pretty much encompasses getting a bigger server or hosting account for your site. Horizontally on the other hand is not as straight forward. Today we are primarily going to focus on horizontal scaling, the uses for it, and how it is accomplished. Why Scale Horizontally? This is a question you could be asking yourself, what is the need for this type of scaling? The main reason is shop speed. Everyone should [...]

thirty bees community repository

2018-08-23T07:37:36-06:00December 13th, 2017|

We are happy to announce today that we are starting a new initiative to help bring more free and open source modules to the thirty bees platform. We have created a community GitHub repo that we will let our community decide the direction of. The repository will be a great place for our community to get together and collaborate on modules or to find new modules to fork into the repository. We will even accept module donations from developers that do not want to deal with upkeep on modules. But... But we need community members to run the community repository. We [...]

Module Road Maps

2018-08-23T07:41:57-06:00November 22nd, 2017|

Over the years I have contributed to a fair number of open source projects, but one thing has always bothered me. Not knowing the direction that the developers want to take with a feature, or how they want to handle adding new features. This lack of communication makes some developers less likely to contribute to a project. I think I have come up with somewhat of a solution. files While we are reorganizing our module files and getting them setup to work with the automation flows for the thirty bees store, we will be adding a file to each [...]

thirty bees module store

2018-08-23T07:58:29-06:00July 3rd, 2017|

We just thought we would give everyone in the community a quick update about our module store and a little bit more information about it. The work on the store is progressing along quite nicely and we are going to be able to launch the store soon. We have planned on launching the store in two phases, so we can Q&A check and also check for any kind of bugs. Phase one The first phase of the launch is going to be free modules only. This way we can get feedback from both the community and the module developers as to [...]

Community theme update

2017-06-30T05:38:42-06:00June 30th, 2017|

Do you like SEO? We sure do, so we have updated the community theme. We have focused on making it more html 5 compliant and used more html5 and semantic data best practices with it. The standard version of the theme was not bad, but it was dated. So we went through and updated the theme and modernized it. Gulp If you are a developer and you have tried to use the theme in a development environment, you might have noticed that the gulpfile failed. We have fixed this issue and compensated for it. It centered around a bug in jscsrc [...]

Crowdfunding Modules

2018-08-23T08:00:54-06:00June 28th, 2017|

There has been a lot of talk on our forum about crowdfunding of modules lately. We have decided that we would like to try the idea out. We look at it as a way for the community to help us further the mission of thirty bees in providing the best possible ecommerce software for free. While at the same time helping choose the direction of thirty bees. Over the last week we have been discussing how to handle this and which module to choose to try this system out. We have had lots of suggestions for different modules, so we [...]

Contributing to thirty bees on Windows

2018-08-23T08:01:05-06:00June 26th, 2017|

We have had a lot of questions about how to contribute to thirty bees from users that either use Windows or are not very familiar with GitHub. GitHub and using git can be daunting at first, but once you get the hang of it, it is not that hard. Today we will walk you through step by step of making a contribution to the community-default theme. Getting started The first thing you need to do is to set up a GitHub account. It is a free account and it will keep track of all of your contributions to our project. You [...]

Error reporting

2018-08-23T08:03:53-06:00May 9th, 2017|

Errors are the worst thing that can happen to your shop. Sometimes they are hard to figure out and you never know what really is going wrong. They are especially hard when your customer's just see a white screen, they have no clue what it means generally. That is why we introduced a new type of error reporting in thirty bees. Instead of the normal white screen when a 500 error happens, we display an encoded error message that you can decode in the back office. Why? Displaying the error messages this way alert your customers that something went wrong, they are [...]

More tests, better code

2018-08-23T08:06:44-06:00February 20th, 2017|

One of the recently added features is the new testing framework. We have invented a testing framework that will allows us to test every single line of the code. We expect that it will give thirty bees the strength it needs in order to recover from a sometimes (very) buggy code base. It will be used extensively in the coming months as it will allow us to remove bugs at a staggering rate! For 1.0.0 we have only had the chance to automate the navigation through the back office and check if pages roughly look good, but in the next four months we [...]

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