In Prestashop it is very easy to see the differences between the versions as far as it concerns the database: under install\upgrade\sql you will find a file for each new version that has a different database structure than the previous one. It is not the whole story – the install\upgrade directory has also php and class subdirectories – but it is a good start and it has helped me tremendously in keeping Prestools up-to-date with new Prestashop versions.
So I was a bit shocked when I had a look at the psonesixmigrator module that migrates your shop from Prestashop to Thirty Bees. Maybe I miss something and it is a matter of getting used to. But I see only meaningless file names and it looks like I will have to dive deeply into the code to find the information that under Prestashop I almost took for granted.
Please make this information clearer. I am sure that any module developer who wants to support TB will look for this information.