
About Lesley Paone

Lesley is the owner of a PrestaShop support, development, and ecoomerce SEO agency called dh42. He has been active in the ecommerce community for almost a decade providing help and support services.

Module Compatibility: PresTeamShop

2018-08-23T07:38:50-06:00November 29th, 2017|

Today we are proud to announce that we have yet another company that has made their modules compatible with thirty bees and supports our platform. The company is PresTeamShop out of Colombia. They have been active in the module development community for several years, I have even recommended several of their modules in articles on my site in the past, because they are well made. Their modules will add a great new element to the ecosphere of developers that support thirty bees. PresTeamShop has a large selection of modules that are compatible with thirty bees. In all they have 14 modules [...]

Module Compatibility: Logical IT

2018-08-23T07:38:55-06:00November 28th, 2017|

Today we have another module shop and developer that is supporting thirty bees. Logical IT now has thirty bees compatible modules and provides services for customers looking for thirty bees development. If you are a shop owner in Austrailia and looking for a local developer, they might be the company you need. They provide custom built throty bees stores as well as on going support for your thirty bees needs. The owner Chris Fotiou has over 20 years of experience as a developer, making him able to handle all your thirty bees needs. The modules Logical IT has a pretty extensive [...]

Statistics Modules

2018-08-23T07:41:51-06:00November 26th, 2017|

If you have spent any time in our Slack or Gitter then you know there is one thing that drives me crazy, the number of modules it takes to run a thirty bees shop. There are so many modules that are not needed as separate modules. This clutters the page in my opinion and helps to scare off new users. At the same time it makes things harder to find. Do you edit this address in the Block Contact module? The Block Contact Infos? Or is it on the Preferences Store Contacts page? To me, this is just insane. This crowds [...]

Module Road Maps

2018-08-23T07:41:57-06:00November 22nd, 2017|

Over the years I have contributed to a fair number of open source projects, but one thing has always bothered me. Not knowing the direction that the developers want to take with a feature, or how they want to handle adding new features. This lack of communication makes some developers less likely to contribute to a project. I think I have come up with somewhat of a solution. Roadmap.md files While we are reorganizing our module files and getting them setup to work with the automation flows for the thirty bees store, we will be adding a Roadmap.md file to each [...]

Black Friday and Cyber Monday tips

2018-08-23T07:42:49-06:00November 17th, 2017|

Black Friday is fast approaching, it is just one week away, with Cyber Monday coming the next Monday. In the past few years it seems that Black Friday has turned into black week, or even black month, because sales are starting earlier and lasting longer. Today we are going to share some tips that will help your holiday sales go off without a hitch, and keep your shop operating as smooth as possible. Shipping Shipping is a major factor in a lot of Black Friday shoppers' purchases. Have your shipping information in a clear concise manner displayed where users can readily [...]

Compatible Module: Pakkelabels

2018-08-23T07:43:08-06:00November 14th, 2017|

We are happy to announce in our quest to provide more free localized modules, we have another company supporting us. Pakkelabels.dk now has a native thirty bees integration. This is great if you are in Denmark and you need a solid shipping partner for your orders. The Pakkelabels.dk integration allows you to use the most carriers in the Danish market from one plugin. You can use Bring, DAO 365, GLS og, and PostNord. The module allows you to set the pickup point in either a drop down or a popup window, to better blend in with your site's theme. Below is [...]

New module Piwik Analytics

2018-08-23T07:43:22-06:00October 24th, 2017|

We are happy to announce we have released a native integration with Piwik open analytics platform.  This module will allow our users to interface their thirty bees sites with Piwik to provide quick and accurate analytics, while at the same time owning all the analytics data. Some of our users have expressed that they do not trust Google with all of their data. Whether this believe is founded or not, we have decided that we need another analytics integration with thirty bees. Now our users have a choice on which analytics platform they want to use with their thirty bees site. [...]

Free modules in our store

2018-08-23T07:43:41-06:00October 15th, 2017|

Over the last several months there has been a lot of time put into the thirty bees store getting it ready for launch. Some of the features we have been developing took a bit longer than we thought, but we feel the wait and extra development time is well worth it. As most of you know, we are a very small team with a few outside contributors. So we have to maximize our time usage to get the most bang for our time buck. But what does this have to do with free modules? A lot. Free module repository We want [...]

Three new cache modules just released

2018-08-23T07:43:53-06:00October 12th, 2017|

We have been some busy bees here lately at thirty bees. Today we are adding three new modules to our growing list of core modules. By now most users know that we focus a great deal on performance at thirty bees. The new modules are no exception to that. They are managers for the most popular server side caching systems that thirty bees users use. The three modules are Memcache Manager, Opcache Manager, and APCu Cache Manager. The new modules are not for increasing performance in your shop per se, they are to help you manage the caching system that you [...]

New module JSON+LD

2018-08-23T07:48:03-06:00October 9th, 2017|

We are happy to announce we have released a new JSON+LD module this morning. This module has been tested very thoroughly, but is still being released as a beta and it is not in your module feed. There is a download link at the end of this blog post if you want to download and test the module out. So what is JSON+LD? JSON+LD stands for JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data. That doesn't explain much does it? I am sure you are familiar with rich snippets though aren't you? JSON+LD is the new format for replacing microdata rich snippets. Most [...]

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