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thirty bees is dedicated to creating free open source e-commerce software that simply works and has the features merchants need to be able to sell their products anywhere in the world.
The undertaking of thirty bees is quite costly in both time and actual monetary costs. The fixed costs we have currently exceed over $1000 a month and include:
- Server / hosting fees
- Image licensing
- Corporate fees
- Mailing list fees
- other 3rd party software fees
- other 3rd party SaaS fees
Things can start adding up pretty quickly as far as costs and they will only grow in the future as we expand into more free modules and more integrated services.
That is why we are finding new and creative ways to fund the development of thirty bees. Other companies omit features and sell them back to you, this is not something we believe in and we feel it is against the spirit of open source software.
Our promises to our community
Everything that thirty bees develops will always be free and open source. Every module, every part of the thirty bees software, everything. We will not specifically leave features out so we can charge for them as is the business model of other platforms.
We will also do our best to add the features that merchants need to the core of the software. We feel it is important to listen to merchants, hear their struggles or sticking points, and to develop features that will help them in their day to day business and to grow their businesses over time.
By the numbers
The repository for the core over thirty bees has over 500,000 lines of code that we maintain. This is not including the over 100 modules that we maintain as well. With over a dozen modules in the works. There are over 5000 active shops on thirty bees, with more being added every day.
What you will be funding
Currently we have to balance our time between working on thirty bees and working to make ends meet. As we get more funding, we will need to work less to make ends meet and be able to work on thirty bees more. This is what we are really looking forward to. We can advance the platform further, quicker. Release faster updates, more compatible modules, and create a more stable platform for merchants. We will also be able to release better content and guides to help merchants maximize their sales and improve their SEO.
We are passionate about open source and thirty bees, we take pride in the fact that so many merchants have trusted us, trusted our vision for e-commerce and migrated their shops to thirty bees. We want to keep creating stable, cutting edge software for many years to come, we want to help each and every merchant become successful in their e-commerce journey.